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What is SELO about?
The Finnish Film Directors' Association SELO r.y. was founded in 1983 to promote Finnish film arts and to protect the professional, copyright, financial and artistic interests of its members.
Our members direct short and feature films, TV series and documentaries. In 2024, our membership will be around 220 people.
SELO is a member of Kopiosto ry. SELO belongs to the umbrella organization of FERA (Federation of European Film Directors) and the cooperation body of Nordic film directors associations (SNF - Sammenslutningen av Nordiske Filmregissører).
In 2019, Finnish film directors, screenwriters and actors founded a joint trade union, which was named the Association of Audiovisual Producers, or AVATE.
Our activities in brief:
We offer legal assistance to our members.
We maintain and develop contract models.
We organize trainings, seminars and club activities for members and the professional field.
We publish film political position papers and statements.
We offer limited services in English:
Legal assistance for Finnish contracts and productions based in Finland.
Our newsletters are translated into English.
Some of the SELO’s events may be in English or bi-lingual, but generally events will be held in Finnish. We try to provide an interpreter to the Finnish speaking event when possible (please request this when you sign up for an event).
SELO’s Ohjaajaklubi (Directors club) held at Kino Regina screens new Finnish films eight times a year. Films have English subtitles. Moderated discussion with the film's director may be in English if requested.
We offer members insurance on directors' work in case of an accident. If you want to know more, please contact